
 ManggaOnline is an advertising based social network located in Malaysia. This network invites bloggers to earn income from advertising displayed on their blogsites through ManggaOnline. Members build their "partners" /"friends" Network through "invitations". You join for FREE of course. No upgrades ever.


stands for "Super Word of Mouth" is a social networking site designed to help home-based business owners to meet thousands of internationally based, like marketers so they can network and expand their business in terms of income as well as knowledge.

You learn as you earn as soon as you join up. You can also participate in the affiliate programme and grow your contacts list at the same time. SWOM is free to join. Even if you don't have a very good idea for a home based business, there will lots to choose from other members' recommendations. Similarly, if you have a very good plan then you can share it with other members on SWOM. Visit the site for more details.


Most of us surfers and online business members would know what Twitter is. It is one of the largest and well-known networking site on the www. You get free, instant updates here ~ from celebs, politicians, financial moghuls, economists, scientists, bloggers from all walks of life, musicians, chefs; even your shy,next-door neighbour may be on Twitter.

It's a great place to get to know people and update yourself on current world events. Besides, you can also build your business contacts and make some money here. Amaze yourself with the abundance of opportunities on Twitter.

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